Twas The Night Before Sterling Son


Tranny Gladiator was built recently and put up on Steam Green Light, made by a hack developer claiming that CD Red Dev’s helped build it. In his usual fashion, Jim Sterling saw this piece of crap and mocked it accordingly promoting many people to go after him for ‘attacking the poor developer and censoring games.’ I think my stance was more fair however, if you don’t want this piece of drek get past Green Light don’t talk about it, because, just like the Anita Sarkeesian happy fun time hour, the more you talk about it, even negatively, the more coverage that person/game/ect gets. I digress though, this article is going to shit on both side’s so pay close attention to what I’m about to write.

Now, keep in mind, I disagree with a number of things Jim Sterling says, I feel that this pc (politically correct) bullshit has no place in games, especially since many gamers are the prime definition of anti pc. However, when Jim Sterling says, “The developer has the right to create anything they want, and I have the right to criticize them.” He’s right. Imagine if Brianna Wu created a game called, Pasty White Man, and it was endorsed by Anita Sarkeesian, you can bet your butt you’d want someone like Jim Sterling on your side to point out what that game really is, offensive just to be offensive. Same with Tranny Gladiator, the game was made, clearly, as a joke and I have a hard time trying to defend the argument that a game such as this, should be defended because if you don’t it’s censorship. Sure, dev’s can build what they want, I have no problem with that and will defend to the death that. However, going after Jim Sterling is nonsense, he doesn’t want censorship, and he didn’t demand that in his Youtube video criticizing this game. The Bullshit Meter is so high on this one I can see it a mile a way folks.


This game doesn’t exist, but you can see my point.

With that said, when your opinion is so stupid and you’ve made no effort to do any research, then I whole heartily agree that you should equally send criticism back. The media has had any number of stupid remarks in the past two years alone, like Witcher 3 and the claim it has all white people because of racism (and not because it was made by a Polish developer based off their mythology for example), or when you cover Bayonetta 3 in an OPED disguised as a review, or make the claim that all gamers are white entitled men, or any number of click bait stories. Please, I beg you, stone these fuckers with words of wisdom and remind them how stupid their opinions are. I think the media has a problem labeling gamers too, not all gamers are white males who shout profanities and threaten women on the internet. Some do, some don’t, but to label all gamers as one thing is like saying all Black people are in a gang. That’s some racist bullshit, and I’m not equaling gamers to blacks, I’m using it as an example of how the gaming media define us. I don’t blame gamers for standing up for themselves, it’s about time we do, because many in our media certainly won’t. They want to shame gamers into submission because they want us to feel bad about things we could give less than two tin shits for.

My whole point is, the media DOES have the right to say stupid things, and we have the right to criticize them. The line is when a developer makes something that is offensive for the sake of being offensive, then take a step back and just listen before casting the first stone. Maybe, just maybe, you may get a moment if clarity in their words of wisdom, do you really want Steam to be full of ‘joke games’, ‘memes’, and shovel ware because that’s what Steam Green Light is currently full of. There are a handful of gems, sure, but Steam Green Light also has a lot of hack games by hack developers waiting to exploit consumers. So yeah, I’m going to defend Jim Sterling on this one folks, but I still think the media needs to stop being the whiny children they are, and grow the fudge up. That’s just my whole two cent’s on the matter, which is just that, two cents.

Oh, and thank god for Jim Fucking Sterling Son.