Bethesda, you made me agree with the games media! I don’t like you.

DISCLAIMER: I still hate the games press, and I find that most of them don’t like doing their jobs, which is to protect consumers, not attack them. They were the chosen ones, it was said that they would destroy the Sith, not join them! (Ahem) sorry, getting off track here. The point is, I hate hack writers, like Ben Kuchera, and I still think Jason Schreier has a lot to answer for, but the latest news from Bethesda… Makes me agree with them on this one point. b45efa41300b83e029fae98d6b7b03091908b90c7da9f258c8b6c8eb6e2fd81c

For those who don’t know, Bethesda recently put out a short statement basically saying they will no longer give out review copies ahead of release. Instead, reviewers will get their copies no more than one day before release. This, of course effects media outlets, such as Kotaku, Polygon, and the like, but it also effects everyone else, including but not limited to Youtubers and Twitch streamers. Now, I’ll give a link to this announcement below, but the wording is curious to say the least. Some claim that Youtubers will get early access, but again, looking at the wording ‘we want everyone to experiance our games at the same time.’ seems to trump that.

To be frank, this is a publisher who made an announcement in such a way as to trick the consumer. They made it sound pro consumer while at the same time they are doing the exact opposite. Bethesda is pulling the anti consumer here, the only one that benefits from this news is them and only them. They push preorders, while at the same time, they’re making damn sure the average consumer will not receive any news, that isn’t controlled by Bethesda, prior to release. This isn’t something that’s a stick in the eye to media outlets, its a stick in the eye to consumers, and another example why no one should preorder. But WeasleGTX!!! Don’t you defend preorders? Yes, yes I do, as AN OPTION TO CONSUMERS, AND ONLY AS AN OPTION. When Publishers and Developers alike decide to pull shady crap to get preorders, that’s where I draw the line.

You could argue, ‘Well, at least with Bethesda I know what I’m getting, and they make great games.’ Yes, I remember Fallout New Vegas, that was fun on release, with all the buggs, and glitches, they pushed preorders for that. Skyrim was great on release as well, again, with all the bugs and gliches. It’s funny how no one gives Ubisoft a free pass on this BS with Assasins Creed, but when it comes to Bethesda, they can do no wrong. My job, (during my little freetime that I have) is to protect consumers and call out crap when I see it, and that’s what this is folks. You want everyone to be informed before release, and it’s easy to say, don’t preorder games, but how often does anyone listen to that these days? As much as I hate to say it, games press does one thing half right, (I say half right because Bayoneeta review as an OPED was just an icanteven) and that is inform consumers about a product ahead of release.

Ultimately, I can still blame the games media indirectly for this, because of their behavior you-have-done-that-yourselfover the last few years, they allowed themselves to become the villains of the consumer. As such, Publishers and Developers alike, will use this as a way to vilify them even more, while at the same time continuing their anti consumer practice’s. The only thing Publishers such as Bethesda has to do now is sugar coat it as an excuse to stick it to the media. Well dumb, media, *clap, clap* well dumb indeed. Do you see why I’m on your ass like a bad piece of toilet paper now? But once again, that’s just my two cents, which I won’t be using on preorders any time soon.


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